diumenge, 13 de maig del 2012
A special person
She has red/brown haired (It depends how the sun shines), eyes like fire, a small nose, not all to thik lips and in my opinion a really pretty face.
She's more or less 1,70 meters tall and quite long legged.
She wears lots of piercings and one tattoo (the next one is coming soon...).
If we talk about her psycological aspects. She's quite irregular with her emotions. One moment she's very happy, than angry, later happy again (It's funny to see that).
She's a very tidy person, she always has all on It's place. She has all the time all organized, because of that I always tell her that she has to be a secretary.
She takes a lot of care of the things she has, because she knows the value of the things.
Ballet is her biggest passion, since she is six she practice it and once she has been chosen to actuated for a Russian Ballet. Besides, she has the 6th and 7th exam degree of the Royal Academy of Dance.
Another passion that she has is to travel, she wants to visit the whole world and her dream is to live outside of Spain, in Switzerland!
She loves animals, specially dogs! Her favourite dogs are St.Bernardos.
Her favourite meals are croquettes, cheese, chocolate... and many other...
What she can't stand is ugly people like "Rafa Mora", "Cristiano Ronaldo" style and people like that.
divendres, 27 d’abril del 2012
On one hand, they can be useful If the marriage doesn't work allright and they have to divorce. Because they have agreed all before It happened.
On the other hand, to make "rules" during the marriage isn't very natural in my opinion, because I think that couples have to be spontaneous, If they want to marry, they have to like each other like they are and don't change the way to be for someone. If someone really wants you, this person will accept you the way you are, and then these contract or arrangement won't be necessary. Furthermore to make a prenuptial contract in case of divorce isn't necessary, because when you marry someone, you don't think about divorce (well I don't).
In conclusion, It's a silly thing because in my opinion you don't think about divorce when you're married and make a contract of It during the time you are married.
divendres, 20 d’abril del 2012
Tattoos & Piercings
In my opinion, If some one wants to have, spontaneous, a piercing It isn't so bad as an tattoo, because If you make you a tattoo you're going to have for your whole life, a piercing not.
(The man that is in the picture is more than seventy years old and was during 30 years manager of the Barclays bank... More about that: http://fridaynews.blogspot.com.es/2011/07/man-with-most-piercings-in-world.html )
dijous, 19 d’abril del 2012
Sometimes people follow It in a quite forced form and because of that they also has to suffer their high price of the clothes (me). Because they are one more that interactuates between of the supply and demand, and well clothes are expensive.
Furthermore, I think that fashion is an invent that is just there to use our very influenciable minds and in consequence of that, force us to buy.
But not every one is like this, I also buy clothes, but not every year. Because, It isn't a disaster when you wear the green or the brown or the white from last year and that isn't "in"...
dimarts, 17 d’abril del 2012

This summer probably I will do the interrail through the Benelux. The interrail consists in a pass with which you can make limited or unlimited trips (it depend on the pass you buy).
It is an alternative and really economical way to travel around all Europe or through one of the thirty specific lands. The five most visited lands are Italia, Spain, Benelux, France and Germany.
Personally I've choose the Benelux because you can see three countrys and three different cultures. In a future If I've liked the first trip I hope to visit all Europe If I've the money and the time for It...

Music is one of the most important things for me. Music means freedom for me (well, It gives me that feeling). It helps me to relax, to get inspired, to get motivated...
It really depends which kind of music I listen to, normally It depends of my emotional state. I listen to all kinds of music but mostly I listen to metal, rock, reggae, spanish hiphop and ocasional when I go on a party house or party music. I even like to listen to classical music in special ocasions!! Normally Tchakovsky, Wagner... stuff like this
The type of music that I really can't stand is reggeaton... I know that in the house music or comercial music in general the texts have no sense, but the texts of reggeaton have no sense and are extremly hatefoul...
Swiss Cheese

I really love the swiss cheese!! From ementaler to gruyer (or how the switzerlanders say: "Greiezer"). It's one of the best aliments that have been never created and for me personally the swiss one is the best!
I mean the real swiss cheese, the one that is made in switzerland and also sold there. I remark that because here in spain I've tasted the gruyere and the emmentaler and there is no comparation... The one from here is horrible!! It isn't swiss cheese like they say. I don't know if It lose It's aroma because of the travel or because they put them chemical things to conservate It. But If people wants to eat real swiss cheese, they have to go to switzerland, because the cheese ir is a fake version or something.
Book or Film?

Last day I finished reading the third part of the Lord of the rings. And I really missed some things in the film that happened in the book. The historys of the books are much more complex than in the films. I asked some friends about It who also had read some other books that have a film version of the history, and they told me the same.
So I recommend to all the people to read more, let your imagination spread and flow, because you can imagine what you want when you read and you aren't limited by the imagination of a director.
Flight rates

Because of the economical disaster that Spain and the world is living and they need money and they have to cut from every where to get this money, the Spanish government took the decision to raise the flight rates 19%. That means that the costs of the flight, in a global form, will cost the double than before.
I think that It's necessary to make does cuts and to raise the taxes and rates. Because, nowadays the government has a lot of debts and If they have does debts, they have to take actions against them and get money. We live in a capitalist system and we have to know that there aren't only good times, there are also bad times... and we have the luck to live the biggest crisis in the history, till now...

Today, Ander Behring Breivik has been brought to trial. The 22 of july of the last year, he killed 77 persons in his attack. Nowadays, he is the man that has killed the biggest number of people by his self in the history of Norway.
Now will begin the trial against him and all indicates that he will get the death penalty.
"Juanca" alias the elefant Killer

Last day, the spanish king Juan Carlos I, was making a trip through Botswana. There he had done a safary through the savana and others. For example, to hunt an elephant (for that you need a consentiment and pay a fee of 20 000$). And well, like every one "knows" in this country, we are the ones that pay all the expenses of the royal family.
In my opinion, to hunt animals just because of their horns or value in the market isn't a good thing. To capture them with out have done nothing.
Besides, what is also really disgusting to me, is that the royal family uses our money that comes from our taxes to make such trips and "adventures".
dimarts, 6 de març del 2012
Me as an ideal partner
My name is Simon, I'm eighteen years old and I live in Empuriabrava.
I'm more or less 1,80 meters tall and I have brown hair and eyes.
I often watch football and I hardly ever watch love films or stuff like this.
I'm quite tidy and I like to have It all clean and in order. Besides, I love all kind of animals.
I like to work out, so I often go running or make a bike trip.
I'm really sociable with persons who give me good feelings. People say that I have a good sense of humor.
I'm definitely a flexible person in many things.
Other wise, I haven't got a good memory and I sometimes forget things which I should have done.
Furthermore, I can't stand people who are impolite.
I wan't to meet people with out expecting to fall in love, but If it happens, It would be wonderful.
diumenge, 26 de febrer del 2012
Those love exist?

There are many persons that say that love does not exist, otherwise there are persons that believe in love.
I believe that they have a bad idea about love. There are persons that expect too much about other persons and they are obsessed in finding their "True Love". They think that every person they meet or more specifically that every person they like and appreciate will be the "True Love". In my opinion people should just enjoy their life and don't be pressured to find some one to love. If there really is a person that is predesignated for each one of us, than we will find this person and the person will also find us.
So just don't worry about the false loves, because earlier or later you will find the perfect person for you.
News 3

Solar panels at 6000€ in La Mancha
The electric company "Parques Solares de Navarra" started a project that consists in building a electric installation based in solar panels that is able to generate 925 kilowatts. They will build a total of 4100 solar panels
The company offers those panels for 6000€ to all kind of people who is able to pay for them. In the contract stays that the people who buys the panel has to sell the generated electricity of each panel at a rate of 0,278887 €.
The instalation will be able to generate 1.500.000 kilowatts/hour year aproximetly. Furthermore, all the reparation and damage which can be caused will be repaired for free by the company,
My personal view of that project is that It is a innovating idea. People can put their money in those solar panels and obtain a fix benefit when they will have amortized the cost of the panel. It's an alternative to put the money in a bank. They could also use the big area of roofs of the industrial parks for those projects. Besides It is a good option to increase the use of solar panels and the renewable energy.
dissabte, 25 de febrer del 2012
Schindlers list

It's about a german bussinesman who wants to create his own factory during the second world war. He has try It other times in his life, but he never had succeeded, but this time It was going to be different, he succeeded with his new factory because of the war, he contracted jews that had to work for a miserable salary. He made a lot of benefit because of that and he became very rich. Furthermore when the end of the war was near, he discovered that all the jews that worked for him were in danger to be killed If he don't buy them. So he decided to buy all the jews that have worked for him and save their lives.
When the war ended, he had to leave the land and hide him self because If not the enemies of germany would have killed him.
And the best of all is that this film is based on a true story. Many other men has made the same, but the case of Oscar Schindler was one of the biggest salvations because he saved the life of a lot of persons.

Carnival is back!!!
Two weekends of non-stop party! I really love it!
But this year was different... I had to study a lot those weeks and I couldn't go to two carnival nights... The one of Empuriabrava and the one of St.Pere Pescador.
But well... Studies first... There will be more years of carnival!!
dijous, 2 de febrer del 2012
Andorra is waiting for us!

My friends and I are going to go to Grand Valira for two days! We go with a bus that has been organized by the council of Castelló. I never have been before in Andorra and every body talks really good about It.
We will sleep in a hostel the night which we are going to stay there, the hostel is in a village named Canillo and It's next to the sky slopes.
I really like to sky, but I didn't practice It much because my parents haven't time...
So I will enjoy those days and sky till my body resists!!
Football tournament
The next saturday 4/2/12 I and my friends will play a indoor football tournament. It's organized by the Council of Castelló. Every year they organize such tournaments but to be serious they aren't very good organized. For example, there are no referees, only the players say when to stop the game and the match's are of 5 min each match. I hope we win It!
A few years I went to a indoor football tournament in St. Pere Pescador, It was the best one which I ever played because It was really well organized. We fall out in semifinals there...
But this saturday I hope that we win the tournament!! :D
How did chocolate arrive to Europe?

The chocolate arrived to Europe in the 16th century, in the first european land wich it arrived was Spain, because of the colonies who they had in Middle and South America.
They added sugar to the chocolate because of the bitter aroma which It had and only the most prestigious people could drink It because of Its high price.
For hundreds of years the way to make chocolate was unchanged till the Industrial Revolution apeared, new machines appeared which was made to produce chocolate and in consecuence of that, sell it worldwide.
At the end of 18th century the first form of solid chocolate was created in Turin (Italia) and later in 1819 in Switzerland, François Louis Cailler created the first chocolate factory.
dimecres, 1 de febrer del 2012
News 2

Atomic energy through Fusion.
Scientists began to research about this some years ago and they arrived to the conclusion that this technology can be used to produce electricity the year 2050 (aproximately). But there are some problems like there aren't the necessary materials and infrastructures which are able to withstand those temperatures.
The investigation increased because of the disaster of Fukushima, which has been produced by a Fision nuclear central. Also the investigation in renewable energies increased and also the use of them.