divendres, 20 d’abril del 2012

Tattoos & Piercings

Today, all this stuff like piercings and tattoo's is getting really famous (again). Many people see the football stars, actors, etc. who have their arms and body's full of tattoo's and piercings, and well, If the stars and rich people wear It than many other people who wants to be like them... Naturally also...
In my opinion, If some one wants to have, spontaneous, a piercing It isn't so bad as an tattoo, because If you make you a tattoo you're going to have for your whole life, a piercing not.
(The man that is in the picture is more than seventy years old and was during 30 years manager of the Barclays bank... More about that: http://fridaynews.blogspot.com.es/2011/07/man-with-most-piercings-in-world.html )

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