divendres, 27 d’abril del 2012


The prenuptial arrangements are every time more popular. They use them thinking that their marriage will be less conflictive and will be more secure that It will be for ever. They are also used to reduce the conflicts If the marriage break down and to make less problematic the divorce.

On one hand, they can be useful If the marriage doesn't work allright and they have to divorce.  Because they have agreed all before It happened.

On the other hand, to make "rules" during the marriage isn't very natural in my opinion, because I think that couples have to be spontaneous, If they want to marry, they have to like each other like they are and don't change the way to be for someone. If someone really wants you, this person will accept you the way you are, and then these contract or arrangement won't be necessary. Furthermore to make a prenuptial contract in case of divorce isn't necessary, because when you marry someone, you don't think about divorce (well I don't).

In conclusion, It's a silly thing because in my opinion you don't think about divorce when you're married and make a contract of It during the time you are married.

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