divendres, 25 de novembre del 2011

Catalonia in Spain

Recently I've seen a documental about Catalonia. The producer of those documental was from the UK. He moved from the UK a few years a go and he lives now in a village near Barcelona.
There he discovered that the catalans weren't happy with the way that the Spanish government treats them.
He asked the different opinions from Madrid and other places out side Catalonia about this polemical treat to Catalonia and he asked the same to the catalan people.
He also made interviews to important politicians like Jose Maria Aznar and other important politicians and asked about their opinions.

The Spanish peoples opinion in resume is that the Catalan people exaggerate too much and they think that Catalonia gives no positive things to spain. They think that catalan people discrimminate the Spanish ones when they want to talk in spanish with them. They classifie them as "Strange People"

The Catalan people think that the Spanish government and people treats them in a bad way, they underestimate what the Catalan people aport to the land. They want more autonomity and the radicalest people wants the independency of Catalonia. They argue that the discrimination to the spanish speaking people isn't true.

He also shows economical stadistics which shows that Catalonia gives a lot of money to the Spanish government and only 1/3 of that money goes back to Catalonia (with out any investment). For example if Catalonia gives to the Spanish government 100€, only 68€ of those goes back to Catalonia. (Statistics of 2005) If you compare it with Andalusia, if they give 100€ the government return them 168€. (also statistics of 2005).
That statistics has growed till today on 1/3.
That's one thing, but the other thing is that the catalan people has to pay things like their glasses, the driving license, lots of medicaments...
And thats the biggest reason why I dont agree with the Spanish government, because It's enough that the Catalan people has to pay a lot of money more than the rest of Spain, but they also don't have many facilites which the rest of Spain has.

In my opinion, I think that Catalonia would work better If they could become independent. Because, If the Spanish government wouldn't have depts with Catalonia, Catalonia wouldn't be in a crisis like that, and we wouldn't have to make those cuts every where.

News 1

The Online Game Tax

The Spanish governement wants to make a new law which affects all the sector of online games which are involved wih money. In that sector we can include sport bet houses, poker, online casinos and other enterprises.
The law consists in set a tax for all those sites, and like every tax that one won't be low.
They want to set this tax because right now all the money which flows through online poker rooms, online casino, online bet houses are taxless and the enterprises makes a 100% benefit because for every game you make the enterprises charge a little comission.
I think that it's good to set this tax, but they should set it lower, because it will destroy the sector, and many player will stop playing because the price of the comssions will increase to much. This sector has grown a lot in the last years and with this tax it can fall down.

dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011

My letter to the teacher!!

Hello Sònia!!

This exercice has made me think a lot about the future. I still don't know what I
wanna be, but I hope that I will choose the best option and at the final, I just wan't to
be happy with my life and not listen what the other people think about happiness and how to be It.

My fiction short time dream is that I win the "El gordo" and that I don't must work again
in my life, so my large time dreams will be also solved. But I know that it never will happen
because first of all i don't play lotterie and second the possibility is 0.0001% that it happens to you...

So my real short time dream is to pass batxillerat this year and that we all have a good time this
year. But till the final there is a long and hard way to walk which I have to go through.

And my real large time dream is: Go back to Switzerland, go back to my home... I don't know
when, but I wan't to go back and life there. I wan't to go back because It's the place where I really feel
that I'm in home.

See you at the class!!

divendres, 18 de novembre del 2011


Cleo: Hey Daddy!

Dad: Hi honey!

Cleo: Can I ask you something...?

Dad: Yes! Sure, what do you want?

Cleo: Can i borrow some money please?

Dad It depends, for what do you need it for?

Cleo: I wanna have bigger boobs! I'm not happy with my boobs. They are very small, aren't they?

Dad: Hmmmm... I'll think about it, but I don't think that you need it. Beside it costs a lot og money and I don't want to give you so much money.

Cleo: But I want them! I will pay the half of them myself!

Dad: Oh my god! But why do you want to have bigger boobs?

Cleo: Okey... It's Scoot, the new boy of my class. He is very cute and people say to me thyat he only likes busty girls... And do you also like busty girls, don't you?

Dad: And you don't want me to spend my money on this son of bitch, do you? I'm sorry Cleo... You have to appeal to people for who you are...

Cleo: Yes daddy but... It's Scoot...

Dad: Cleo, no fuck!

Cleo: Okey... asshole! (quietly)

Dad: Excuse me? What do you say?

Cleo: Nothing Daddy... I love you thanks!

Dad: Ah yeah, me to baby, you will thank me in the future! ;)

Autors: Guillermo Mateos and Simon Zbinden

dissabte, 29 d’octubre del 2011


Ubuntu is a operating system for computers like it's Windows or Mac. It use the core of Linux and on it's origins it's based on Debian (Linux and Debian are other types of operating system). It has been created the year 2004. Ubuntu is totally gratis that's because in so low time it has become a 49% of market distribution.
It's a very good system because it's fast, it can't have virus and finally it's gratis.
I use that operating system since last year and I really like It. The only problem it's that you can't install all the programs that you want or if you want to install them you have to make a big procedure and know more or less what you do.

Döner Kebab

The döner kebab is a Turkish food which has integrated in Europe in the final of the 20th century. It became very popular in the 90's in Germany, when a Turkish man opened for the first time a Döner Kebab snack bar in Berlin. His idea was that only the Turkish, Indian and Pakistanian people would buy it, but there where some German people which also wanted to taste It, and from there It became very popular. First in Europe, and now in the howl world.
The kebab is made of chicken, beef, lamb (originally), fish and for the vegetarian with tofu. But it isn't only meat, it's combined with salad and if you want you can put it into a bread called pita. There are many varieties of kebab like the kakori, chapli, shish, etc. It depends from which land the kebab comes.
The kebab in Europe has an important part in the night life culture of many young people. Because when they come back from a night out they go to a Kebab snack bar to eat them. That's because it's common to see those bars open till the pubs close, the kebab bar proprietaries make their business at those time.

I really love döner kebab's!! I think that it's one of the best meals that I've ever tasted and I would eat them at any time of the day...!

divendres, 28 d’octubre del 2011

Types of beer

The beer like every product which has many possible variables is not easy to classify.
But we classify them normally with the production process.

The first process which can change a beer is the fermentation. Changing the fermentation we can become a Lager beer, which is very popular in Spain or a Eil beer (Ale in Spanish). The Lager type is a blond beer with a lot of gas and it's a light beer. The Eil one is a dark beer, with not so much gas and the cereal taste is more noticeable. This kind of beer is very popular in the UK, Ireland, Scotland and Nordic lands.

Changing the ingredients is the second method. If we change the malt then we can make a bigger change than if we change the type of hops which the only different beers we can make is a Pilsner.

We can also classify them through the aspect. The aspect is maybe the most simple type of classification because every beer has a very characteristic color which difference them from the others.

News 3

Marco Simoncelli is dead.

In the last Moto GP race in Malasia, the young bike rider died in a terrible accident. The accident was caused because Simoncelli was falling down and than the two other bike racers couldn't avoid him... One of them drove directly in his neck and made that the helm flyies away. The doctors tried to revive him during 40 min, but they couldn't. It was a terrible day for the Moto GP racers and fans.

In my opinion it's a terrible thing, but when you make something like this, there is a high probability that you can have a accident.
What I also really don't like about this, is that the other racers now speak very well about him, but few weeks ago they all told that he's an idiot, and that the only thing that he has on his head is his hair.

Rest in peace Simoncelli!!

diumenge, 23 d’octubre del 2011

A love story

I met her the 16th of April in a disco near Rosas. Those night I went with some friends to the disco and at the entrance my friend Marta went to salute some friends of her, and I went with her and saluted also her friends.
When we were in the disco, Marta came to me and asked me if I like those girl, and asked Marta for her name, and finally I told her that I like her.
Later I began to dance a litle bit with the girl, her name was Judit. She had red/brown hair, red eyes like fire and she looked very nice.
After some minutes we began to talk and I thought that she is very sympathetic and she thought the same.
So after those night we began to chat togheter and we met us after class in her village or in mine and I discovered that she's a wonderful person. After one month I knew that I love her, and one night I decided to tell it her, but there were some complications which made impossible to tell it her, and the next night i told her and she told me also the same.

The best thing of all is that it's a real story and the love is still there...

Judit loves ballet, she does it since she is six years old. She listens to all type of music. She hates football but she come to my football matchs. She also hates cats and she every time hits my cat when she's in my home... I will denounce her! She would like to have a dog, not any type of dog, she wants a Saint Bernard. We went to Switzerland together for a week and we visited some really nice places there like: Fribourg, Bern, Luzern, Zurich, Zermatt...

I could tell a lot of things more about her but I won't end never... I only love her every day more and more!!

The Pursuit of happyness

This Film it's about a man which has a lot of problems in his life. He has made an investion in a revolutionary medical apparate which no one want's and he has to sell them if he want to survive and to keep happy his family. But to sell them is very hard and he tries if he can start to work as a broker, but to enter in this company is also very hard and he has to be six months for practice in the company and that with no salary. But finally all ends good for him and his son.

In my opinion it's a nice film because it shows how hard life can be, and how fast the life can change if you work hard on it.

News 2

The Volcano of El Hierro

The 11/10/11 the volcano of El Hierro, a Island of Canarias, began to get active and let out magma near the island, at a depht of 900m. A total of 35 scientists were investigating the case of the island and making possible hipotesis.
One of the possible and the most dangerous was that the island break in two parts and origins a big tsunami which would affect the coasts of EUA, the Caribean Sea, Argentina and Brasil. That would happen because by the last eruption of the volcano, the island has been semi-breaked and another big eruption would finish to break the It.

I hope that finally something like that never will happen, because many persons would die in this action and much more people would stay homeless after the accident.

divendres, 21 d’octubre del 2011

News 1

ETA stop terror attacks.

Today (16/10/11) ETA published a video which says that they want to stop their terror attacks, and they want to start a dialogue with the Spanish government and the French government. In that dialogue they want to solve the consequences of all the terror attacks. But they all know that it will cost a lot of time to solve the problems and forget all the victims.

In my opinion, I think that ETA has dissolved before the elections, to give the glory to a left party. And I prefer to wait some years before I believe that they really stop their terror attacks, because finally, they are/have been terrorists and they need time to win the confidence of all the land.

Wood's Pint!

One day... I, Pablo and Sebas were talking about beer and which would be the perfect beer for us. We began to joke about make our own beer but finally we discovered a web site where they sell kits to make your own beer.
So we started to take seriously the idea and I began to make numbers to know how many would it cost to buy the kit, the ingredients and the bottles. We researched a little bit and for the first production it would cost 130€ with the kit, ingredients and bottles, so we decided to produce it.
We ordered it last week and if all goes like planed we can drink our beer in March.
The production would bring 23 bottles of 0.33cl for us three and the costs for the next productions would be much lower because the ingredients don't cost a lot.
I've made numbers and in the first production one bottle of beer cost us near 2.30€ and for the second production only near 0.40€.
The first times we will make the beer following the instructions but then we want to experiment and create our own beer.

The name of the beer will be Wood's Pint, and the first edition will be a white beer, they say that it's the easiest one to make for rookie beer makers.

I think that it will be really funny and interesting to see in first person the whole process to make beer.

If some one is interested to make his own beer, that's the web site: Cervezas del mundo

divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2011

Guillermo Mateos

Guillermo is one of my classmates this year and he's one of my best friends. It's the first time that he's in my class. He lives in St.Pere Pescador.

Guillermo does the Cientific batxillerat. He's a good student and hes a very responsible boy, because every time when we goes on partys, he never does crazy things and try to stop us when we want to do things like that... But sometimes he also does crazy actions which no one expects. It's very funny to go out with him on partys!!
He loves to do jokes all the time and to every one who he knows. The most famous of his jokes, or I hope that they are jokes, are his comparations with him self and Cristiano Ronaldo... They are very funny!

Guillermo loves football, he plays in Roses right now and before we have played together a few years a go in C.F. Esplais. He suports Real Madrid and obiously his favorit player is Cristiano Ronaldo...

Every time when there are partys in St.Pere Pescador, we sleep at Guillermo's place and sometimes there are seven or eight of us sleeping there.

The next year he maybe will study in Madrid and we won't see him very much... I hope that he never change!!

divendres, 30 de setembre del 2011

What I expect of this year

In this message i will talk about my objectives of this year and what i expect in general.
This year I hope to pass batxillerat. That's my principal objective. But It's a long way till I will get it.
Another objective is the First Certificate. I want to do the exam in June, so during the second and third term I have to do some exercise to prepare the exam, and I've the luck that the Friday's in the English class we can do some first certificate exercises. Right now we are doing a competition with Pablo and Guillermo. It consists to see who makes more points in the exams, and the one who has more points wins a kebab.
I also want to get the driving license, if in the first term goes all right, I probably will start the classes in December and If not i will do it in June.

I also hope that for my class mates the best and that they also can get their objectives.

divendres, 23 de setembre del 2011

Nuria Sala

Aiii... Nuria!!

I met her the first time when we were in the Primary school of CEIP Ruiz Amado. But then I only know her from the distance and I'd never talked with her. We began to talk when we were classmates in second of ESO, we had a lot of fun this year with Pere Gironella and Andrea Lopez! It was a great year...
Than at third and fourth of ESO we were also in the same class but we didn't have much contact, but with the creation of a group of 30 friends at the final of fourth ESO, we began to have more contact, and we all were on more parties all together. And this year we are classmates another time!

I think that Nuria is a very good classmate, and with the experiences that I've made with her, that she can also be a very good friend, because she tries to help you If she can in every thing which she can. She's a very happy person and she's open to every joke. When she wants she is very formal and serious, but normally she is what we say a Party Lion!

I know that she plays volleyball since she is young, she loves this sport because she becomes very furious and slaps you If you talk bad of this sport.. We can say that her God is a Volley player haha

She's a very good student and I think that she will have no problems to pass or arrive to where she wants to arrive.

Good luck in every thing you want to try in your life Nuria!!

dilluns, 6 de juny del 2011



Thats our podcast! (Pere Gironella, Simon Zbinden, Guillermo Mateos, Pablo Viñas)

I hope you like it!

diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011

To dificult to get a job?

In the actuallity a lot of people in spain has no job, a part of the problem is because of the economical crisis, but i think that it's no excuse, because there are other lands which also afects the crisis and they have less people who has no job. A important factor i think it's the mentallity of the people, and also of the governement, who gives a lot of money to people who do NOTHING for it. I think that all this people should take some classes of something to get more competitive or that the governement give them any job like paint a wall of the city or any thing, but i think that to give away the money for nothing is not correct. Maybe they can't find a job for 2 months but if you really want to get a job and work, you will get it, maybe it isn't the job of your life, but you can earn money honestly.

dijous, 2 de juny del 2011

Oral Presentation

This was our oral presentation about racism.
In the video you can see:

Simon Zbinden and Guillermo Mateos.

dilluns, 30 de maig del 2011

News 3

The 15th May Manifestants

Since the last 15th May, in diferent places of Spain there are some manifestations against the actual governement which don't respects the democracy. They wan't a new governement which uses the democracy and which they can kick out the politicians who they don't like or think that they aren't doing a good job.

I think that some things are good from this manifestation, but in many other things i don't agree. In my opinion I would wate for the next elections and see what happens, if it don't goes better, we could try the system which they propose.

dimecres, 25 de maig del 2011

News 2

The other Sunday, May 22 municipal elections were held. Here in Catalonia, the party with more success was CIU. CIU also won here in Castelló, the man who represent the CIU party in Castelló is Xavier Sanllehí . Thisman was already president 8 years ago. In Figueres and Roses also won CIU. In more than half of the villages of Catalonia, CiU won the elections. The second more succesful party was the PSC.

News 1

Fukushima disaster.

A earth quake took place in Japan in middle of April. The earthquake originated a tsunami that affected a part of Japan and destroyed some villages. Many people could be saved thanks to the notice of the authorities that a tsunami would come. But the most disastrous came a day after, a reactor at the Fukushima nuclear plant was affected and had the possibility to that could explote.Many radiation came out of the reactor and that meant a great danger to all the population. Part of the radiation also affected the waters of the ocean, it is unknown how this will affect marine life.

divendres, 20 de maig del 2011

The eduaction in spain

I think that one of the problems of the spanish society is the educative sistem. There aren't many good options if you wanna get a good job internationally. In other countries like Germany or Switzerland, you musn't go to university if you want to learn a good job or a a job with good internationally success. In spain if you make a Cicle Formatiu or Cicle Superior, it hasn't any value in other countries or when you finish the colege it also hasn't any value if you want to go to a university or do a cicle superior in another country. The only thing which is accepted in all the countries is a university degree...
I think that they should reorganize all the eduactive system, maybe it will help the land...

Summer is near

Only one month is left for that the summer start. When the course ends, we will go to a camping in Llançà, I hope that it will be fun! The rest of the summer I will work on the same camping like last year. I really enjoy the time there and much more the hours I spend with my friends. I hope It will be a great summer!

The last term

We have just began the last term of this year. I hope that all goes good for me and all the people. I wish them all good luck and “power” for this last sprint because they will need it, some people more than others, but they will need it. I just know that it will be hard!..

Unhappy end

Our football league finished and we've finished only at 4th place... Not enough to go up a league to the first league, we are right now in the second league. We've been fighting during all the year, but in some matches we've been very unlucky and we haven't been lucky with the referees. But finally it's football and we do it for fun! And if you wanna win you must have some luck too. We will see how go the things for next year . There will come some new player, which are good. I hope that it will make that the team becomes better, so we can win the league next year!

Legendary barça-madrid's

It was the first time that barça and madrid played 4 games in only 18 days. The first of them, the game of the league finished 1-1 with the goals of Ronaldo and Messi. The second match was the final of the cup, which madrid won 1-0 with a goal of Ronaldo. The las two matches have been champions league semifinal's, the barça has won the two matches and they are now in the final versus the team of Sir Alex Ferguson, Manchester United. I hope that barça will win the final!!

Semana Santa

This semana santa I had a lot of work. I've been helping my father at his work and some teachers had put a lot of homework, like every holidays... But I had also some days to relax and to stay with my family and my friends and I really needed it.

dissabte, 5 de març del 2011

Oral Presentation: England

Hello every body I’m guillermo and he ‘s simon and we are going to show you our presentation about england.
We like England and we have choosen for the presentation because is a interesting country where have a lo t of interesting things for explain . We have choosen also because we have seen a lot of films, agood films which the history past in England like Hooligans, Sherlock holmes … An other reason is that in england has invented our favourite sport, football and we want tolk about this too.
Well, we have chosen the food and the sport’s of England for explain in the presentation.
We have chosen this , because we like sport, we think that it’s interesting , and we want know which sports are typical in England.
And we have choosen the food, because if we go to England, we want to know wich is the typucal food the English people eat, and we think that it’s interesting too.
(simon intro food)
So now we are gona talk about the food, like we said before, we have choosen this because we wana know wich is the traditional food in england. British food has traditionally been based on beef, lamb, chicken and fish and generally served with potatoes and one other vegetable who are common in the island.
The England food has had a lot of different influences of other cultures and the result has been different species in the English food like Indian curry, Chinese fried food or American species.

(simon breakfast)
The english people normally take their breakfast between 7 and 9h For breakfast they normally take a coffee,tea or orange juice with comun things who easy to find every wear like bacon, eggs, muschrooms, baked beans

The time of Lunch in England is between twelve o’clock and a half past one, the principals and the traditional English food are:
Meet and vegetable pies, rost beef , Yorkshire pudding: that is a baked mass with a bowl form.
Mussels vinegary, eel pie, and lamb with mint sauce .
(simon dinner)
They take the dinner normally so at 18-20h and it’s very similar to the lunch but a traditional Sunday diner is:
Roast lamb and variable vegetables (carrots, roast potatoes, brussel sprouts) with hot brown gra
The typical drink in England is the All beer, it’s a type of a beer, and cider in the good pubs .
And the most typical drink of England, the tea. It’s very important the hour of tea, that is between a half past five and a half past six in the afternoon. The most typical tea in England is the Earl Grey tea.
Well , now we’re goingo to talk about the England esports, who is a very important part for the English people.
The most important are cirket, and football,
And tenis and Rugby.
Well, cricket has invented in England in 1646. After cricket, people played , throwing rocks and other danger objects. Now, it plays with a ball made by leather. It plays in the afternoons, and sometimes dure some days, and it similar than beisball, one team have to hit the ball and score more points than the other.
(simon football)intenta enrollarte mol, explikar inglaterra als mundials ….
 England is the joint oldest national football team in the world, England's home ground is Wembley Stadium in London and their head coach is Fabio Capello.
England are one of eight national teams to have won the FIFA World Cup, which they did in 1966 when they hosted the finals. They defeatedWest Germany 4–2 in extra time in the final. Since then their best performance at a World Cup was a fourth place finish in 1990.
The premier league, the league who plays all the teams of England. Is one of the best leagues of the world with teams like, Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City, Everton, Totenham, etc. it’s one of the best because there are many teams who are very close one to other, and you never know what is gonna happen. And the English football style is very direct, they try to attack so fast than they can.

Tennis was’nt invented in England but is one of the most important sports of the country. In England are the oldest tennis tournemnt in the world, Wimblendon. Is the most important tennis tournament too.
England also has important tennis players like Andy murray that is fiveth in the rankling ATP.
(Simon rugby)
The England national rugby union team represents England in rugby union. They compete in the annual Six Nations Championship withFrance, Ireland, Scotland, Italy, and Wales. They have won this championship on 25 occasions, 12 times winning the Grand Slam, making them the most successful team in the tournament's history.They are ranked fourth in the world by the International Rugby Board
England won the Rugby World Cupin 2003 and finished runners-up in 1991 and 2007
February 15th 1971 the British currency system was known as pounds, shillings and pence.
 12 pennies was equal to one shilling and 20 shillings was equal to one pound.
After February 15th 1971 the Uk moved to a new system called decimalisation and brought the currency into line with the metric systems used in Europe which are based on a logical system of 10 or factors of 10's.
Under this system 100 pence is equal to one pound
Right now one euro is equivalent to 0.84 pounds.

Places to visit:

Famous for it’s gardens. They have also a lot of monuments in all the land, I will show you some ones in the most famous cities.
They have a lot of places to visit, the most popular is London, who are a lot of monuments like the Big Ben, The tower of London (William, The Conqueror), the Tower Bridge, Trafalgar square…
Manchester was one of the biggest industrial cities of England, it’s very popular for it’s industry museums and for it’s roman style castels, tambien hay la famosa Art Gallery, the John Ryland library and the king street (one of the most popular industrie streets)
Liverpool, was also a very important city for the industrie. The most famous building is maybe the St.George’s hall who is the most beautiful building of the grec style. There are also the Walkers art gallery and the Museum and Planetarium who is one of the best gallery’s of England.

dijous, 3 de març del 2011

Texas Hold'em Poker

Poker is becoming very popular in the last years because of the internet, specially the Texas Hold'em.
A lot of new players are beggining to play it and want to get great benefit. To play the basic norms is very easy, but then they must learn a lot of strategy and it depends what kind of game mode you play (cash, sit&go, tournaments...). For every game mode there are diferent strategis, and a lot of players dont know the strategies, or they cant apply them and then they dont get benefit.

I personally began to play it this year and till i make the eighteen I will play it with virtual money to get all the strategy, but there is a great diference between virtual money and real money. With the real money the people apply the strategy and play more seriously than in the virtual money who you dont learn very much...

I recommend to learn how to play it, because it can be very funny to play it with the friends or family, and if you want you take it more seriously and win some money.

The Final of the Copa del Rey

This year the final of the Copa del Rey is gonna be Barça Vs Madrid. Since a lot of years there wasn't this final but the last one won barça. The Final is gonna be played the 20th of April in the Mestalla Stadium (Valencia).

I hope barça will win this final and let Madrid with no titles this year!


Facebook was the first social network in the world. It was created by Mark Zuckerberg, a student of Harvard. Some people say that he has stolen this idea, but he won all the trials who he must make.

Facebook is one of the most popular web sites in the internet. And they make a lot of money every year.
Some people don't like does web sites because they think you must give to much personal information, but thats not true, you can give the information who you want and to the people you want, and not to all.

diumenge, 27 de febrer del 2011

The importance of the languages

A thing who every day is more important are the languages. They are very important if you will triumph internationally and they are very asked if you want to get a job. At many important jobs they will a person who has a good english.
The most important language is English, because every were you go you can use it.

I right now speak Spanish, Catalan, English, German, the swiss dialect, and a litle bit of French. I hope it will help me for the future.

La Masia of Barcelona

Barça has one of the best "canteras" of the world. Many stars came out of the "cantera" like Messi, Xavi, Iniesta, Puyol, Pedro, Pique, the same Guardiola, Fabregas, and a lot of others top players.
All the teams of the cantera from barça plays at the first level of their respective leagues, they have a lot of young talents who maybe will find the way to play in the first team of Barcelona or another big team but also a lot of them don't will have that luck.


My home land Switzerland is a very pretty land with great landscapes. You don't need to go to a especific place to see some beautifoul monuments or landscapes, you just must go from town to town and you see a lot of mountains and great fields in all colours.
Other things you can do is walk or climb a mountain who you can see even more beautifoul landscapes.

I recomend to visit Switzerland because it has a lot of beautifoul landscapes, monuments and if you will go in the winter, it has great ski areas.

diumenge, 20 de febrer del 2011


Blake Griffin won the NBA Slam Dunk contest in Los Angeles.

It was one of the best challanges since 2000 said some historic Basket Ball players.
In his final Slam Dunk, he putted a car under the ring, and jumped over the and putted the ball into the ring.
He won Javale McGee, who made a Slam Dunk with 3 balls!!! It was extremly difficult for the jury to made a desicion... But finally they decidated that Griffin win and i think that it was the good election.

James Jones won the Triple contest versus Paul Pierce and Ray Allen. It was also really a litle diference but James Jones finally won it.

diumenge, 30 de gener del 2011


Manchester City star Emmanuel Adebayor transfered to Real Madrid.

Real Madrid was searching a new forward for their team because their Top forward Higuain will miss the rest of the league because of an injury.

They have also Benzema, but the trainer don't belive in him, and prefered to buy a new forward.

In my opinion that transfer was innecessary, because they have Benzema, and a young player from the B team "Morata", who looks very good.


Will the "Pesetas" come back?

The last days the idea to eliminate the Euro was in the minds of some politicians and economists.
This idea is in the air because some lands from the European Union needs a hard currency, and some others needs a weak curreny to come out from the crisis.

I think it would be a good idea that the pesetas come back, maybe internationally It wouldn't be good for spain, but to rebuild the economy of the land it would be a really good idea.

The Big Bang Theory

"The Big Bang Theory" is a comedy TV programm who uses an intelligent humor and I really like it. It explains the life of two scientists till they meet an atractive young girl ("Penny") who became their new neightbour. In the programm they also show us how they life what do they when they're working and at home, etc.

It's a nice program!