It's about a german bussinesman who wants to create his own factory during the second world war. He has try It other times in his life, but he never had succeeded, but this time It was going to be different, he succeeded with his new factory because of the war, he contracted jews that had to work for a miserable salary. He made a lot of benefit because of that and he became very rich. Furthermore when the end of the war was near, he discovered that all the jews that worked for him were in danger to be killed If he don't buy them. So he decided to buy all the jews that have worked for him and save their lives.
When the war ended, he had to leave the land and hide him self because If not the enemies of germany would have killed him.
And the best of all is that this film is based on a true story. Many other men has made the same, but the case of Oscar Schindler was one of the biggest salvations because he saved the life of a lot of persons.
Great emotive films ! we have to admire Oscar Schindler , the best of this film is that the facts were real !