Solar panels at 6000€ in La Mancha
The electric company "Parques Solares de Navarra" started a project that consists in building a electric installation based in solar panels that is able to generate 925 kilowatts. They will build a total of 4100 solar panels
The company offers those panels for 6000€ to all kind of people who is able to pay for them. In the contract stays that the people who buys the panel has to sell the generated electricity of each panel at a rate of 0,278887 €.
The instalation will be able to generate 1.500.000 kilowatts/hour year aproximetly. Furthermore, all the reparation and damage which can be caused will be repaired for free by the company,
My personal view of that project is that It is a innovating idea. People can put their money in those solar panels and obtain a fix benefit when they will have amortized the cost of the panel. It's an alternative to put the money in a bank. They could also use the big area of roofs of the industrial parks for those projects. Besides It is a good option to increase the use of solar panels and the renewable energy.
I'm no able to change what you can see......... TT