Judit is a eighteen years old girl that lives in Figueres, she lives there since she was born.
She has red/brown haired (It depends how the sun shines), eyes like fire, a small nose, not all to thik lips and in my opinion a really pretty face.
She's more or less 1,70 meters tall and quite long legged.
She wears lots of piercings and one tattoo (the next one is coming soon...).
If we talk about her psycological aspects. She's quite irregular with her emotions. One moment she's very happy, than angry, later happy again (It's funny to see that).
She's a very tidy person, she always has all on It's place. She has all the time all organized, because of that I always tell her that she has to be a secretary.
She takes a lot of care of the things she has, because she knows the value of the things.
Ballet is her biggest passion, since she is six she practice it and once she has been chosen to actuated for a Russian Ballet. Besides, she has the 6th and 7th exam degree of the Royal Academy of Dance.
Another passion that she has is to travel, she wants to visit the whole world and her dream is to live outside of Spain, in Switzerland!
She loves animals, specially dogs! Her favourite dogs are St.Bernardos.
Her favourite meals are croquettes, cheese, chocolate... and many other...
What she can't stand is ugly people like "Rafa Mora", "Cristiano Ronaldo" style and people like that.
Zeta's English Space
This is my English Blog! I hope you like It!
diumenge, 13 de maig del 2012
divendres, 27 d’abril del 2012
The prenuptial arrangements are every time more popular. They use them thinking that their marriage will be less conflictive and will be more secure that It will be for ever. They are also used to reduce the conflicts If the marriage break down and to make less problematic the divorce.
On one hand, they can be useful If the marriage doesn't work allright and they have to divorce. Because they have agreed all before It happened.
On the other hand, to make "rules" during the marriage isn't very natural in my opinion, because I think that couples have to be spontaneous, If they want to marry, they have to like each other like they are and don't change the way to be for someone. If someone really wants you, this person will accept you the way you are, and then these contract or arrangement won't be necessary. Furthermore to make a prenuptial contract in case of divorce isn't necessary, because when you marry someone, you don't think about divorce (well I don't).
In conclusion, It's a silly thing because in my opinion you don't think about divorce when you're married and make a contract of It during the time you are married.
On one hand, they can be useful If the marriage doesn't work allright and they have to divorce. Because they have agreed all before It happened.
On the other hand, to make "rules" during the marriage isn't very natural in my opinion, because I think that couples have to be spontaneous, If they want to marry, they have to like each other like they are and don't change the way to be for someone. If someone really wants you, this person will accept you the way you are, and then these contract or arrangement won't be necessary. Furthermore to make a prenuptial contract in case of divorce isn't necessary, because when you marry someone, you don't think about divorce (well I don't).
In conclusion, It's a silly thing because in my opinion you don't think about divorce when you're married and make a contract of It during the time you are married.
divendres, 20 d’abril del 2012
Tattoos & Piercings
Today, all this stuff like piercings and tattoo's is getting really famous (again). Many people see the football stars, actors, etc. who have their arms and body's full of tattoo's and piercings, and well, If the stars and rich people wear It than many other people who wants to be like them... Naturally also...
In my opinion, If some one wants to have, spontaneous, a piercing It isn't so bad as an tattoo, because If you make you a tattoo you're going to have for your whole life, a piercing not.
(The man that is in the picture is more than seventy years old and was during 30 years manager of the Barclays bank... More about that: http://fridaynews.blogspot.com.es/2011/07/man-with-most-piercings-in-world.html )
In my opinion, If some one wants to have, spontaneous, a piercing It isn't so bad as an tattoo, because If you make you a tattoo you're going to have for your whole life, a piercing not.
(The man that is in the picture is more than seventy years old and was during 30 years manager of the Barclays bank... More about that: http://fridaynews.blogspot.com.es/2011/07/man-with-most-piercings-in-world.html )
dijous, 19 d’abril del 2012
For which purpose is fashion there? Only a very little part don't follow the fashion trends that every year appears in our markets.
Sometimes people follow It in a quite forced form and because of that they also has to suffer their high price of the clothes (me). Because they are one more that interactuates between of the supply and demand, and well clothes are expensive.
Furthermore, I think that fashion is an invent that is just there to use our very influenciable minds and in consequence of that, force us to buy.
But not every one is like this, I also buy clothes, but not every year. Because, It isn't a disaster when you wear the green or the brown or the white from last year and that isn't "in"...
Sometimes people follow It in a quite forced form and because of that they also has to suffer their high price of the clothes (me). Because they are one more that interactuates between of the supply and demand, and well clothes are expensive.
Furthermore, I think that fashion is an invent that is just there to use our very influenciable minds and in consequence of that, force us to buy.
But not every one is like this, I also buy clothes, but not every year. Because, It isn't a disaster when you wear the green or the brown or the white from last year and that isn't "in"...
dimarts, 17 d’abril del 2012

This summer probably I will do the interrail through the Benelux. The interrail consists in a pass with which you can make limited or unlimited trips (it depend on the pass you buy).
It is an alternative and really economical way to travel around all Europe or through one of the thirty specific lands. The five most visited lands are Italia, Spain, Benelux, France and Germany.
Personally I've choose the Benelux because you can see three countrys and three different cultures. In a future If I've liked the first trip I hope to visit all Europe If I've the money and the time for It...

Music is one of the most important things for me. Music means freedom for me (well, It gives me that feeling). It helps me to relax, to get inspired, to get motivated...
It really depends which kind of music I listen to, normally It depends of my emotional state. I listen to all kinds of music but mostly I listen to metal, rock, reggae, spanish hiphop and ocasional when I go on a party house or party music. I even like to listen to classical music in special ocasions!! Normally Tchakovsky, Wagner... stuff like this
The type of music that I really can't stand is reggeaton... I know that in the house music or comercial music in general the texts have no sense, but the texts of reggeaton have no sense and are extremly hatefoul...
Swiss Cheese

I really love the swiss cheese!! From ementaler to gruyer (or how the switzerlanders say: "Greiezer"). It's one of the best aliments that have been never created and for me personally the swiss one is the best!
I mean the real swiss cheese, the one that is made in switzerland and also sold there. I remark that because here in spain I've tasted the gruyere and the emmentaler and there is no comparation... The one from here is horrible!! It isn't swiss cheese like they say. I don't know if It lose It's aroma because of the travel or because they put them chemical things to conservate It. But If people wants to eat real swiss cheese, they have to go to switzerland, because the cheese ir is a fake version or something.
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