Recently I've seen a documental about Catalonia. The producer of those documental was from the UK. He moved from the UK a few years a go and he lives now in a village near Barcelona.
There he discovered that the catalans weren't happy with the way that the Spanish government treats them.
He asked the different opinions from Madrid and other places out side Catalonia about this polemical treat to Catalonia and he asked the same to the catalan people.
He also made interviews to important politicians like Jose Maria Aznar and other important politicians and asked about their opinions.
The Spanish peoples opinion in resume is that the Catalan people exaggerate too much and they think that Catalonia gives no positive things to spain. They think that catalan people discrimminate the Spanish ones when they want to talk in spanish with them. They classifie them as "Strange People"
The Catalan people think that the Spanish government and people treats them in a bad way, they underestimate what the Catalan people aport to the land. They want more autonomity and the radicalest people wants the independency of Catalonia. They argue that the discrimination to the spanish speaking people isn't true.
He also shows economical stadistics which shows that Catalonia gives a lot of money to the Spanish government and only 1/3 of that money goes back to Catalonia (with out any investment). For example if Catalonia gives to the Spanish government 100€, only 68€ of those goes back to Catalonia. (Statistics of 2005) If you compare it with Andalusia, if they give 100€ the government return them 168€. (also statistics of 2005).
That statistics has growed till today on 1/3.
That's one thing, but the other thing is that the catalan people has to pay things like their glasses, the driving license, lots of medicaments...
And thats the biggest reason why I dont agree with the Spanish government, because It's enough that the Catalan people has to pay a lot of money more than the rest of Spain, but they also don't have many facilites which the rest of Spain has.
In my opinion, I think that Catalonia would work better If they could become independent. Because, If the Spanish government wouldn't have depts with Catalonia, Catalonia wouldn't be in a crisis like that, and we wouldn't have to make those cuts every where.