I met her the 16th of April in a disco near Rosas. Those night I went with some friends to the disco and at the entrance my friend Marta went to salute some friends of her, and I went with her and saluted also her friends.
When we were in the disco, Marta came to me and asked me if I like those girl, and asked Marta for her name, and finally I told her that I like her.
Later I began to dance a litle bit with the girl, her name was Judit. She had red/brown hair, red eyes like fire and she looked very nice.
After some minutes we began to talk and I thought that she is very sympathetic and she thought the same.
So after those night we began to chat togheter and we met us after class in her village or in mine and I discovered that she's a wonderful person. After one month I knew that I love her, and one night I decided to tell it her, but there were some complications which made impossible to tell it her, and the next night i told her and she told me also the same.
The best thing of all is that it's a real story and the love is still there...
Judit loves ballet, she does it since she is six years old. She listens to all type of music. She hates football but she come to my football matchs. She also hates cats and she every time hits my cat when she's in my home... I will denounce her! She would like to have a dog, not any type of dog, she wants a Saint Bernard. We went to Switzerland together for a week and we visited some really nice places there like: Fribourg, Bern, Luzern, Zurich, Zermatt...
I could tell a lot of things more about her but I won't end never... I only love her every day more and more!!